Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Trenbolone an extremely effectic anabolic steroid

Trenbolone is one of the most popular drugs used by bodybuilders today and, when you look at the stats, it is not hard to see why. A very potent androgen with strong anabolic activity, Trenbolone is an extremely effective hardening and cutting agent. In fact, it is considered indispensable when it comes to pre contest preparation. However, it is also extremely valuable in the off-season as it creates a rapid build up of strength and muscle mass. In fact, the anabolic effect is often compared to testosterone or Dianabol with one very important difference - it does not convert to estrogen. This is what truly sets it apart, as most mass building drugs readily aromatize, leading to many estrogen related problems (e.g. water retention gynecomastia).

Due to the lack of water retention, the gains when using this drug are more easily maintained on discontinuing its use. In addition to this, a very hard and defined appearance can be achieved. Also, since gynecomastia is not an issue, there should not be any need to add an anti-estrogen as long as Trenbolone is the only steroid being used.

Due to the highly androgenic nature of this drug an increase in the burning of body fat is observed and a much tighter physique can be achieved without having to resort to extreme dieting.

  • Trenbolone is more potent than testosterone with an effect being gauged as three times as strong on a milligram for milligram basis. It is also four times as anabolic as Deca Durabolin and ten times as androgenic. This makes the majority of the weight gained on this drug lean, quality muscle.
  • Trenbolone also creates an increase in the levels of the hormone IGF-1 (Insulin like Growth Factor-1) which is highly anabolic within muscle tissue.
  • Trenbolone has a stronger binding affinity to the androgen receptor than testosterone. This feature is a major contributing factor to the process of anabolism and fat loss.
  • By promoting nitrogen retention and protein synthesis within the muscle Trenbolone allows the food you eat and the nutritional supplements you take to be used more effectively. It also reduces levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.
  • Trenbolone is also involved in the production of red blood cells and increases the rate of glycogen replenishment (both of which contribute not only to stamina but also to recovery from workouts)

A reduction in aerobic capacity is the most common complaint with Trenbolone. This is thought to be caused by bronchial dilation resulting from an increase in prostaglandin production. The condition known as "Tren Cough" is often a complaint registered with users of the Acetate version (Trenbolone is available in Acetate and Enanthate forms). Androgenic side effects may also be experienced which include oily skin, aggressive behavior, acne and hair loss. For this reason women would be advised to stay away from this drug.


If using Trenbolone Enanthate, doses are normally in the 200-600mg/day, since the ester length of this drug is reasonably long. This is usually split up into twice weekly injections.

Trenbolone Acetate is usually administered in a daily dosage of 37.5 -75mg and, although a potent solitary steroid, it is often combined with other drugs for greater effect. This would be Winstrol or Primobolan for cutting purposes and Dianabol or Testosterone for mass building cycles. The addition of Dianabol or Testosterone would also increase the level of water retention experienced.

Due to the strong impact Trenbolone has on endogenous (within the body) testosterone levels the use of a drug such as HCG and/or Clomid is recommended on concluding a cycle (preferably a combination of the two). Without this strategy it may take some time for the hormonal balance to return to normal.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Superdrol Facts You MUST know for Giant Muscle Gains - Without Destroying your Liver

Superdrol is an anabolic steroid that's renowned for delivering inhumanly fast muscle and strength gains. And what's amazing is that you could once find Superdrol for sale at regular supplement stores.

Methasterone, which many bodybuilders know as Superdrol, is an oral anabolic steroid that was once marketed as a prohromone. What's amazing is that Superdrol was sold over the counter in the United States, despite being a designer steroid that delivers impossibly fast muscle gains. So can you still find Superdrol for sale? And how can you use it to add 10 pounds (or more) of lean muscle mass in one month - without destroying your liver or crushing your libido? Find out as we discuss 27 highly important facts about this steroid.

1. Methasterone has actually been around since the 1950s

Methasterone (a.k.a. methyldrostanolone) was first synthesized by the Syntex Corporation in 1956 in hopes that it could be used as an anti-tumor drug. But as Wikipedia explains, it was never sold commercially, and Syntex instead sold its non-17α-alkylated counterpart, drostanolone, under the name Masteron - another drug used by many bodybuilders today. So methasterone was essentially shelved for decades after being developed. However, a 1959 research journal did note that this compound is highly anabolic while "exhibiting only weak androgenic activity."

2. Superdrol was finally made Available in 2005 - And Legally!

In 2005, methasterone was introduced to the commercial market under the brand name Superdrol (a.k.a. Super Anadrol). And you might be surprised to know that you could walk into many GNC stores and find Superdrol for sale. Marketed as the Superdrol prohormone, this product enjoyed tremendous commercial success due the fact that it allowed people to legally juice. And this opportunity to buy Superdrol at regular stores enabled bodybuilders to skate by the Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 and its 2004 revision.

3. Highly Anabolic, with Fewer Androgenic Qualities

If the bodybuilding world has taught us anything, the legal status of a drug serves as little deterrent for those wanting major muscle gains. And seeing as how you can get some incredible Superdrol results, this remains one of the more sought-after oral steroids. One aspect that bodybuilders love about Superdrol is that it's very anabolic without delivering much in the way of androgenic side effects (hair loss, acne, body hair). Now, this isn't to say that methasterone doesn't have notable androgenic properties. But research from 1969 notes that methasterone has a "Q-ratio" of 20, meaning it's "400% as anabolic and 20% as androgenic."

4. Some Superdrol Reviews boast of gaining up to 10lbs of Lean Muscle in a Month

A typical Superdrol cycle is rather short at 3-5 weeks, given its toxicity to the liver (discussed later). Nevertheless, the average Superdrol results are really impressive, with some users reporting lean muscle gains of 8-10 pounds in a month-long cycle! What's more is that methasterone doesn't make bodybuilders retain much water, meaning the majority of these gains are kept. Add in the insane strength increase during workouts, and it's easy to see why this drug remains one of the more-popular oral steroids.

5. Methasterone acts Really Fast and can be used as a Kickstarter

This compound can begin delivering significant results in just the second week of use. Due to these fast-acting Superdrol results, it's commonly used as a kickstarter when stacked with long-ester injectables like testosterone enanthate/cypionate, trenbolone enanthate and Boldenone undecylenate. A common experience here is that users will add up to 10 pounds in lean muscle mass during their first 4-6 weeks, followed by more gains when the long-ester drug(s) really kick in.

6. Superdrol compares well (or better) to Dianabol

Methasterone and Dianabol are two of the most-widely used oral steroids in the bodybuilding world. So naturally, an ongoing Superdrol vs Dbol debate has occurred at many forums over which is the superior drug. The answer largely depends upon the individual and what's most important to them.

7. Daily Superdrol dosage is kept pretty low

This certainly isn't like testosterone, where a beginner can get away with dosing 500mg per week. Anybody who is new to Superdrol is strongly advised to start daily dosage at 10mg. Then, by the second and third weeks, you can increase your daily Superdrol dosage to 20mg (half in morning/half in evening). Check out the following Superdrol cycle, where the beginner is strongly advised to avoid upping their dosage to 30mg in the fourth week.

8. The Half Life is Relatively Short

Methasteron's half life is 6-8 hours, which is relatively short in comparison to most anabolic steroids. Because of this short half life, more-advanced bodybuilders take this compound 3-4 times daily (10mg doses) to make sure that Superdrol continually runs strong in their system. However, new users should start with a single 10mg dosage to see how the drug affects them first.

9. No Needles are involved

It's been mentioned several times up to this point that Superdrol is an oral anabolic steroid. And this is certainly great for those who strongly dislike pricking themselves with needles, as is the case with long-ester steroids. Because methasterone is an oral drug, it's easier for bodybuilders to divide up their daily dosages.

10. Cycle Length should be kept Short

As explained before, cycles don't run very long so users can avoid the harsh Superdrol side effects like liver toxicity. Some people only run a 3-week cycle because they don't see many Superdrol gains after this point anyways. Others will take this steroid for anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks.

11. Superdrol Side Effects should never be taken Lightly

This isn't some compound that you take to buff up before a class reunion where you're looking to impress the girl you had a crush on 10 years ago. Superdrol side effects can be severe on the liver - especially when you're not using on-cycle support (discussed later). As a 2008 study concluded, methasteron can begin causing severe hepatotoxicity in as little as two weeks.

12. Superdrol does not aromatize

Obviously the above stories paint a scary picture for taking mesthasterone, however, there's a positive side to this as well. Superdrol does not aromatize (convert to estrogen), meaning water retention isn't a problem and gynecomastia has a smaller chance of occurring. The only reason why some bodybuilders get mild gyno symptoms from Superdrol is because estrogen is suppressed during the cycle, but the inhibitory effect on estrogen receptors is eliminated following a cycle. Going further, the body (namely your breast tissue) is in a delicate state afterward, meaning you need to run a good post-cycle therapy to avoid gyno symptoms.

13. Androgenic Superdrol Side Effects have a Low Chance of occurring

As discussed in Fact #5, methasterone has a high anabolic quality compared to its androgenic activity. However, this isn't to say that Superdrol results don't include any androgenic side effects such as hair loss, acne and more body hair growth. So those who are predisposed to these conditions already based on their genetics should be careful when using Superdrol. It's worth noting, though, that the androgenic Superdrol side effects won't be as bad as what you'll experience with Winstrol, another popular oral steroid.

14. Your HPTA Function can get shut down Hard

Using methasterone can affect your hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA), which gauges how much natural testosterone your body needs to produce. Thanks to an infusion of hormones, Superdrol can shut down your HPTA function, making it difficult for your libido to recover following a cycle. Here's one case where a guy's sex drive was completely shut down coming off a Superdrol cycle (including letrozole), and he was advised to get blood work as well as take HCG and Clomid.

15. Superdrol can cause some Really Painful Pumps

Oral steroids have a tendency to cause painful muscle pumps and methasterone is certainly no exception. The pumps created from this drug are so painful that some bodybuilders have major difficulty even finishing a workout. That said, any time you're on a cycle involving Super drol, you need to stay hydrated (1-1.5 gallons of water daily) and take taurine, fish oil and potassium.

So Methasterone can do some bad stuff to do you counteract these nasty side effects!?

16. You Definitely need On-cycle Support for your Liver

So far we've covered what is Superdrol, its muscle-building effects and how it can have some pretty serious health consequences. Speaking of the latter, nothing is more dangerous on a methasterone cycle than the potential liver problems. Milk thistle is crucial when taking the Superdrol steroid because it can detoxify your liver and help new liver cells regenerate. 1g of milk thistle every day is a good amount to help protect your liver. Some bodybuilders will also use N-Acetyl Carnitine (NAC) for extra supplementation on a Superdrol cycle.

17. A Good Superdrol PCT is Important

A big key to avoiding, or at least minimizing, the side effects that we've discussed is to run a good post-cycle therapy after using Superdrol. This is especially true with regard to restoring your HPTA function and sex drive following a cycle. Opinions vary on what's crucial for Superdrol PCT, but Clomid and/or Nolvadex, HCGenerate and Aromasin are pretty popular.